Year: 2018


“Agriculture exists first to feed people and has done so for thousands of years, and it will have to continue doing the same for hopefully many more.” FAO Each second, the world’s population grows by nearly three more people, that

Posted in farm guide, TechTalks Tagged with: , , , , , , ,


Interested in WHEAT Farming ? Some Introduction to WHEAT Wheat is a staple cereal for a large population worldwide. It is difficult to believe of human sustenance without wheat. Wikipedia records that Wheat is grown on more land area than

Posted in Cereals Tagged with: , ,

Farming Tools, Implements And Equipment

Must Have List of Farming Tools, Implements And Equipment Farmer needs to undertake a number of activities on a routine basis. The activities take a troll on the time and money of the farmer. Fortunately as mankind has evolved,  more

Posted in implements&machinery


onion farming

ONION farming and uses Some introduction to onion Onion belongs to the family Amaryllidaceae with botanical name Allium cepa. Onion is thought to be originated in Pakistan. It is now grown almost world wide North America, Japan, Spain, Netherland, Canada,

Posted in vegetables Tagged with: , ,

OKRA Farming

Okra farming

OKRA farming and uses Some introduction to Okra Okra or okro, known in many English-speaking countries as Ladies’ Fingers or ochro, is a flowering plant in the mallow family. In India it is called bhendi. It is valued for its

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Crops and Vegetables Sowing Planting Calendar

The Sowing/Planting Calendar is an indicative time schedule for taking up agriculture tasks. we discuss this timing separately for cereals and vegetables.

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Polyhouse Saline Soil – prevention and cure

Polyhouse Saline Soil – prevention and cure Many polyhouse/greenhouse growers see Saline soil problem. White grayish powder deposit on the sides of the beds and even on top of the soil is usual first visual manifestation of this. Indication of

Posted in farm guide, Fertilizers&Fertigation Tagged with: , ,

Irrigation Water Alkalinity Control in Polyhouse

Irrigation Water Alkalinity Control in Poly house   Alkalinity of water and substrate determines to a large extent whether the fertilizers Farmers so lovingly and at good cost use is actually absorbed by the plant crops.  This is because fertilizers

Posted in Fertilizers&Fertigation, SoilWaterTests