Year: 2019

MUSTARD — farming, uses and health benefits

Some introduction to mustard Mustard belongs to the family of “Cruciferae”   Genus “Brassica”. Mustard is a tall Mediterranean plant that can grow 5- to 6 1/2-foot tall. It bears bright yellow flowers and its pods contain up to 20 tiny

Posted in Herbs Tagged with: ,


INTRODUCTION The Lemon (Citrus limon) is a species of small evergreen tree in the flowering plant family Rutaceae, native to South Asia, primarily north eastern India. Lime and Lemon belong to the same family, but the smaller Lime is actually

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Want to Improve Production in Rice Farming

rice field starting tillering

This is a farmer friendly blog. Blog provides information on the origins of rice, ways to cultivate rice, preparation of land, manuring and fertilization, what production to expect depending on soil and climate conditions. it also brings out the benefits of rice to mankind.

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Ways to Succeed in Tomato Farming

Tomato is an edible, brightly colored (usually red, from the pigment lycopene) berry, in different shapes and sizes. Tomato is nutritionally categorized as a vegetable. We discuss tomato farming, fertilizers required, watering and post care. Some common beliefs on medicinal uses of tomatoes.

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How To Maize Farming

Some introduction to Maize Maize is interchangeably also known as corn. Natives of southern Mexico about 10,000 years ago are credited with first use of this cereal grain for consumption. Maize subsequently spread throughout the American continents. Maize spread to

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Protected Environ – Key to Extended Vegetable Production

Grow Vegetables  in Protected Environs Protected Environs are meant primarily to prevent incoming of pests, virus, fungis, etc. into your crops. Protected Environs also allow control on watering and fertilization of the crops. Importantly, Protected Environs also help us from

Posted in implements&machinery, vegetables


The post concerns with farmer stress as value of farm produce is way behind all other articles of material use. Maintaining agriculture an economic activity, the post suggests ways how to do same.Farmer is advised to diversify, be knowledgeable, profit oriented,

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