Category: Climate Change

articles related to deal with climate change

Why Install Three-Tank Fertigation System

in this blog, we discuss a three tank fertigation system, its benefit, and benefits/problems

Posted in Climate Change, Fertilizers&Fertigation, NEWS Tagged with:

Climate Change Affects Agriculture Production

Climate Change has had a significant impact on agriculture produce production around the world. Blog is about how, why and extent of climate change. And some mitigation suggestions are given.

Posted in Climate Change, NEWS Tagged with: ,


Agriculture is now taken up as an industry and like any industry results in pollution which enhances climate change. Ways in which such pollution occurs and how farmers can reduce such pollution are discussed.

Posted in Climate Change, farm guide, NEWS Tagged with: , ,


Climate change is only talked about, some action is somewhere taken. The stark reality has been brought out by the IPCC report, No coincidence that intensity and frequency of wild forest

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Agriculture Practices Mitigate Climate Change and Global Warming

Climate change study shows earth temperature is increasing with consequential unpredictable weather. The climate change affects food production directly impinges on hunger and poverty in world. Agriculture practices can mitigate and slow down climate

Posted in Climate Change, farm guide Tagged with: , , , ,

Are Robotic Devices the future for increasing Farm Productivity

By 2050 agricultural production will have to rise by 70% to meet projected demand for food. Since most land suitable for farming is already farmed, this growth must come from higher yields and better farm management. Robotics would need to be adopted in all aspects of farming like in autonomous tractors, autonomous seeding, drone surveillance, satellite imagery for fertigation schemes etc.

Posted in Climate Change, TechTalks