Category: Fertilizers&Fertigation

fertilizer types, usage, fertigation techniques

Why Install Three-Tank Fertigation System

in this blog, we discuss a three tank fertigation system, its benefit, and benefits/problems

Posted in Climate Change, Fertilizers&Fertigation, NEWS Tagged with:

Make Vermicompost For Your Farm And Kitchen Garden

Vermicompost is the product of the decomposition process using various species of earth worms to create a mixture of decomposing vegetable or food waste, bedding materials, and vermicast. This process is called vermicomposting.

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Fertilization calculations using drip irrigation

Fertigation is achieved when drip technology is used for fertilizing the crops. Calculations using fertigation are discussed in this blog.

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Polyhouse Saline Soil – prevention and cure

Polyhouse Saline Soil – prevention and cure Many polyhouse/greenhouse growers see Saline soil problem. White grayish powder deposit on the sides of the beds and even on top of the soil is usual first visual manifestation of this. Indication of

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Irrigation Water Alkalinity Control in Polyhouse

Irrigation Water Alkalinity Control in Poly house   Alkalinity of water and substrate determines to a large extent whether the fertilizers Farmers so lovingly and at good cost use is actually absorbed by the plant crops.  This is because fertilizers

Posted in Fertilizers&Fertigation, SoilWaterTests

Why Go For Organic Fertilisers

Organic Fertilizers means fertilizers made from living beings. Chemically speaking their molecules have carbon and hydrogen. Organic Fertilizers are made from composting of the remains of living beings be it leaves fallen from trees, shrubs, grasses, roots of pulses, fish, sea grass, dung of animals.

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Easy Detect If You Are Giving Less or More of Nutrients

Fertigation Management of soil and water is highly important. Normally this is done through soil and water analysis which is likely to take some time. A quicker visual method is discussed for monitoring plants for an early assessment if you are giving more or less of fertilizers. Afterwards more precise methods may be carried out to regain fertilizer balance. Discussed in this post are the nutrients Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg) and Iron (Fe).

Posted in farm guide, Fertilizers&Fertigation

Easy Calculate Amount of Fertilizer for a Given Volume

Calculation of actual requirement of fertilizer in easy and timely is important. The exact amounts of N, P and K to be provided in the life cycle of a plant are different and thus need to be calculated differently. This blog presents a simple method to calculate the amount of fertilizers through equation A = X / P x K to get the required PPM value of N,P and K for the fertigation solution.

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