Interested in WHEAT Farming ?

Some Introduction to WHEAT

Wheat is a staple cereal for a large population worldwide. It is difficult to believe of human sustenance without wheat. Wikipedia records that Wheat is grown on more land area than any other food crop. World trade in wheat is greater than for all other crops combined. In 2016, world production of wheat was 749 million tonnes, making it the second most-produced cereal after maize. Wheat is an important source of carbohydrates, protein, nutrients and fiber.

The seeds of wheat grass are cereal grains, and are staple food for millions of human beings. Botanically,wheat kernel is a type of fruit called ‘caryopsis’ – a type of simple dryfruit. Other such caryopsis is maize and rice.

Wheat is believed to have been cultivated in the regions of the Fertile Crescent around 9600 Before Common Era (BCE). By 6500 BCE it seems to have reached Greece, Cyprus and India. By 3000 BCE it reached British Isles and a millennium later China.(source: Wikipedia)

Classification of WHEAT

Wheat is named differently in different places. Whatever the names, classification methods for wheat varieties follow same standards:

Growing season – winter grown or summer grown.

Protein content. High, Medium or Low.

The quality of the wheat protein gluten. This protein can determine the suitability of wheat for a particular use.

Grain color – red,white or amber. Phenolic compounds present in the bran layer impart color to wheat grains.

Nutrition provided by WHEAT

Wheat provides carbohydrates, proteins, nutrients and fiber. Generally as an average, 100 grams wheat provides about 320 kilo calories.It also provides  multiple  essential  nutrients such as protein, vitamins, fiber, minerals. Wheat has about 13% water, 70% carbohydrates and negligible fat. Its 13% protein content is mostly gluten.

Commercial Use

Worldwide wheat is cultivated as cash crop and wheat farmers benefits from such cultivation. Wheat can be easily stored. Use of wheat flour in different ways is done, the best example being bread which is almost universally eaten across the world. Stored wheat is a highly concentrated form of food

Different countries Different Yields

According to Wikipedia, the average annual world farm yield for wheat in 2014 was 3.3 tonnes per hectare (330 grams per square meter). Among the top most productive farmers were: 1.Ireland with a nationwide average of 10.0 tonnes per hectare, 2. Netherlands(9.2), and 3. Germany, New Zealand and the United Kingdom (each with 8.6).https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheat#cite_note-fao-prod2014-7

Top WHEAT producers in 2014

Countrymillions of tonnes
 European Union157.3
 United States55.1
Source: UN Food & Agriculture Organization[7]

Suitable climate for WHEAT growing

It is grown under a wide range of climatic conditions. However, it can not stand too hot or too cold weather. It prefers moderate temperature in summer as well as in winter. Short days are not favorable for the formation of bulbs. Winter wheat lies dormant during winter and grows rapidly in spring. Too cold conditions damage the crop. Spring wheat is sown just as spring starts and harvested in summer. Winter wheat makes for fine flour.

Land Preparation

field ploughed and ready

field ready for plantation

Wheat grows in many types of soil, but it grows best in well-drained loam or clay-loam soils. Two major threats to the wheat plant’s growth are poor soil drainage and high levels of soil acidity. The wheat roots penetrate earth at shallow depths maybe around 6-7 cm. Land needs to be well pulverized. For this land maybe first irrigated and then ploughed two or three times. The seed and initial fertilizers (and if required pesticides and fungicides, depending on the soil) are then planted together. Thereafter one ploughing and one leveling is done so that there is no water drainage problems. This also eliminates any other type of vegetation in the field.

Sowing Methods

  1. Broadcasting: In this method the seeds are broadcast and then worked in by harrowing in order to cover them.
  2. Behind Local Plough: A majority of farmers uses this method. This method consists of dropping the seeds by hand into the furrows that have been opened with local plough.
  3. Drilling: In this method seed is sown by specially made drills called seed drill or ferti-seed drill. With the help of this implement seed drop at desired depth and results in uniform germination and regular stand.
  4. Dibbling: This method is used in case where supply of seed is limited. Sowing is done with the help of a small implement known as ‘Dibbler’. It is a wooden or iron frame with pegs. The frame is pressed in the field and lifted and then one or two seeds are dropped by hand in each of the hole. It is not a common method because it is a very time consuming process.
  5. Zero tillage technique: This new method is used in Rice-Wheat cropping system so that rice stubble need not be removed or destroyed but is utilized as a fertilizer itself. Specially made machines are used for this method.

Depth of sowing

Deep sowing may delay or stifle emergence, while shallow sowing risks seed damage from herbicide uptake. The length of the first shoot (coleoptile) has a bearing on depth of sowing. If a variety is sown deeper than the natural growth extension of the coleoptile, then seedling may not emerge. Most current varieties are derived from so called semi-dwarf lines which have shorter stems and shorter coleoptiles than older varieties.

Depth of sowing depends on soil type and availability of moisture influence. Sowing depths indicated are between 25mm and 50mm depending on soil type and available moisture. Moist conditions shallower depth placements may encourage faster emergence and crop establishment.

Quantity of seed

Farmers aim to achieve a crop density of 150-200 plants per square meter.  This means around 60kg/ha seeding rate in lower rainfall zones (up to 400mm annual rainfall) and around 80-90kg/ha in the higher rainfall zones.

Manures and Fertilizers

Fertilizer application actually depends upon the soil of the farmer. It is recommended to have the soil and water analyzed before deciding on the actual quantity of fertilizers. As a normal practice the following fertilizers are indicated for wheat farming.

Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, zinc, copper,boron, manganese, iron, and magnesium are required by wheat and most of them are available in soil. Nitrogen is required in the largest amount because it is part of all the proteins in the plant. High yields require higher nitrogen. Wheat also needs a lot of phosphorus, most of which ends up in the grain. Farmer may give 3kg/ha of phosphorus per tonne of expected yield. Other nutrients from the soil are needed in smaller amounts, but all must be present for healthy plant growth and color.

Farm Yard Manure is highly desirable in the land, whatever be the crop. It is same with wheat also. Mixing of  around 2 to 2.5 tonnes of FYM per hectares is sufficient. Apart from FYM, it is also recommended to give following fertilizers.

Nitrogen (N) @80 – 120 kg/ha, Phosphorus (P2O5) @ 40- 60 kg/ha and
Potash (K2O) @ 40 kg/ha.

Total quantity of Phosphorus and potash and half the quantity of nitrogen should be applied at the time of sowing. Remaining quantity of Nitrogen should be applied at the time of crown root initiation.

It is recommended to have soil studies done before sowing and application of fertilizers to arrive at correct estimates of fertilizers required. Micro nutrients, if indicated by the soil report, are also to be supplemented.

Weed Management

Generally weeding is done after 1 ½ to 2 months after sowing.

Farmers have to plan for weed control quite well in advance. A number of herbicides are available for controlling weed problem. As a good practice, it is recommended to rotate herbicides. This will take care of any development resistance to any particular herbicide.  The weeds must not be allowed to grow to a threat level. Some herbicides are as follows: (mix all in 250 -300 liters of water/ha)

  1. Fenoxaprop-ethyl @ 89 to 120 gram/ha
  2. Cipdomafpr @ 400 gms a.i./ha
  3. Metribuyzin @ 175 gms a.i./ha
  4. Sulfosulfuran @ 25 gms a.i./ha
  5. Fenoxaprop-ethyl @ 80to 120 gms a.i./ha


  • 1st irrigation 3-4 weeks after sowing
  • 2nd irrigation 40-45 days after sowing
  • 3rd irrigation at 60 to 65 days after sowing
  • 4th irrigation 80-85 days after sowing
  • 5th irrigation 100-105
  • 6th 115 -120 days

Control of Pests and Diseases

Some information on insects, pests and disease of Wheat is discussed below. The control measures depend upon type and intensity of the problems and also whether organic or inorganic pesticides are to be used as decided by the Farmer. For more information on pests and diseases please go through my blog on same.

Downey Mildew: spraying Dithane M-45 at interval is recommended.

Green Jassids: spray of chloropyrofos/ dichlorvos/dimethoate/phorate/imidacloprid

Shoot and Fruit Borer: spray endosulfan/chloropyrofos. Spread phorate.

White Fly: spray malathion. Drench with thimet.

Thrips: spray imidaclorprid/chloropyrofos/dimethoate. Several sprays may be required.

Some supposed Health Benefits of Wheat

This vegetable has a long history in traditional medicine. It has nutrients, vitamins, minerals and other organic compounds which gives wheat a special medicinal value.

The nutritional value of 100g of edible Wheat is said to be equivalent to 12 gm protein, 1.5 gm fat,71 gm carbohydrate, 3.2 gm minerals and 12.2 gm fibers. It contains vitamin B-6,vitamin C, iron and calcium. It’s low in calories and has a high dietary fiber content. There would be minor variations in between varieties.

It is good in lowering of blood sugar levels !

Wheat has been suggested to help manage blood sugar due to presence of sulfur compounds (S-methylcycsteine) and quercetin. These compounds have a beneficial effect in controlling the blood sugar level in the body.

Quercetin in red wheats have significant role in destroying breast and colon cancer cells.

The same compound also prevents release of histamine in body. This helps in allergies.

Some other Benefits are thought to be in help in asthma and allergic rhinitis by using wheat extracts.  The use of wheat is also good for eyes, oral healthcare and hair healthcare.

Risks of eating WHEAT

Like with everything which has good properties, Wheat may also have some side effects. It is true that only a few studies Wheat have linked to negative side effects.

Over consumption of wheat for diabetic patients can be harmful.

It goes without saying that Wheat can contain bacteria, pesticides, and other dangerous substances if it is not thoroughly washed before flour is made.

Harvesting and Storage

The rain-fed crop reaches the harvest stage much earlier than the irrigated crop. The crop is harvested when the grains become hard and the straw becomes dry and brittle.Depending on the scale of planting, farmers would utilize Harvester Machine or harvest manually by laborers. The crop is threshed by treading with power driven thresher by most of the farmers. However, at some places farmers of small land holdings or deprived of machines still use  cattle on the threshing-flour.


The grains should be thoroughly dried before storage. The storage life of the grain is closely related to its moisture content. Grains with less than 10 percent moisture store well. The storage pits, bins or godowns should be moisture-proof and should be fumigated. Rat proofing is a must. Zinc phosphide is very effective against rats.

 note: The author himself is a small farmer and involved with such farming. Certain data are taken from usually reliable sources on the net.


Posted in Cereals Tagged with: , ,

Farming Tools, Implements And Equipment

Must Have List of Farming Tools,

Implements And Equipment

Farmer needs to undertake a number of activities on a routine basis. The activities take a troll on the time and money of the farmer. Fortunately as mankind has evolved,  more and more systematic methods of farming have evolved. These depend on a number of tools, implements and equipment. We shall discuss only some of the more important ones.

Tools and equipment are terms that are often used interchangeably without knowing the actual difference between tools and equipment, but in fact, they have different definitions.


What is meant is a simple type of equipment which is used manually by the farmer. The tools are all hand held and operated manually.

Tools examples:
  1. Fork Hoe: this tool is to be used for loosening, lifting and turning over soil by gardeners or farmers.
  2. Spade and shovel: this tool is to be used to break any lumps in soil. The tool is angled forward for digging and scooping.
  3. Sickle: this tool is used for harvesting. It has a curved blade and wooden handle.
  4. Cutlass: this tool is a flat metal long blade with a wooden handle with one sharp edge for clearing of bushes, cutting of tree branches, etc.
  5. Water can


Are meant as appendages to mechanized machinery and add more value to that piece of machinery. Implements when added allow the machine to be used for different type of usages. Implements would be pulled or pushed by the machinery to be able to perform its designated purpose. The implements need to be pulled manually, by bullocks or by tractors and made accordingly. Now a days tractors are used extensively though there are places where by necessity oxens or manual method has to be used.

Implements examples:
  1. Cultivator: This implements is used for removing weeds, preparing soil for planting.


    The use of this implement allows soil to be aerated and also water can penetrate down to roots.

  2. Harrow: This implements is used after ploughing operations. It will smooth out the field surfaces.
  3. Plough: This implement lus used for turning over the upper layer of the soil so that fresh nutrients are brought up, buried weeds and remains of previous crops.



Used by farmers by definition is a mechanized equipment which can run on electric or diesel or petrol or hydraulic. Machinery is to apply force and control movement for an intended action. Most of farm machinery is still operated by human but there is a gradual introduction of machinery which is smart and can run according to program pre fed into its computer. A common machinery used extensively on farms is TRACTOR.

Examples of Machines:
  1. Tractor: Probably the most used and most important machinery in a farm. It is used for pulling or pushing agricultural for planting, tilling, ploughing, harrowing etc.
  2. Harvester: Mechanical harvesting is the order of the day these days due to problems of farm laborers. Larger amount of crop can be harvested quickly and most efficiently.
  3. Knapsack Sprayer: this machine could be manual, electric or petrol driven. It is used to apply soluble pesticides to plants. A much used piece of equipment.


Wikipedia has the following description for tractors.



A tractor is an engineering vehicle specifically designed to deliver at a high tractive effort at slow speeds, for the purposes of hauling a trailer or machinery used in agriculture or construction.

The most common use of the term “tractor” is for the vehicles used on farms. The farm tractor is used for pulling or pushing agricultural machinery or trailers, for plowing, tilling, disking, harrowing, planting, and similar tasks. The word tractor was taken from Latin, being the agent noun of trahere “to pull”. The first recorded use of the word meaning “an engine or vehicle for pulling wagons or ploughs” occurred in 1896, from the earlier term “traction engine”.

Tractors can be generally classified by number of axles or wheels, with main categories of two-wheel tractors (single-axle tractors) and four-wheel tractors (two-axle tractors).

2-wheel tractors:  it is a single axle tractor, self powered and self propelled. It can both pull and power various farm implements such as trailer, cultivator, harrow, plough, seeders, harvesters.  When pulling some implement, operator can ride on the tractor.



Manual Backpack Sprayer

Manual Backpack Sprayer

Sprayers are used to apply soluble or dry chemicals suitable for fighting pests, virus and infections in the plants. There are a number of sprayers distinguished by their design – manual, electric and petrol driven. The nozzles of sprayers also come in different designs to provide for desired droplet size and spread geometry.

During the process of spraying certain losses occur which could cause dangers to environment. Although sprayers are designed to apply the right doses of chemicals to the target area, the spray tends also to spread further than intended because of air currents. The spray on the plants also either deposits on the leaves or runs down thru the earth to water bodies and contaminates water therein though seepage, leeching and drainage.

Depending on the volume of spray per square area, the sprayers are generalized into three categories:

  1. High Volume will spray more than 150 l/ha. Used for pesticides, fungicides, herbicides applications by khanpsack sprayer, motorized spray, tractor mounted sprayers.
  2. Low Volume for 10-150 l/ha. Used for insecticides, fungicides applications by motorized knapsack sprayers, aircraft mounted sprayers.
  3. Ultra Low Volume for 1-5 l/ha. Used for well controlled insecticides applications by high r.p.m.  spinning disc in motorized knapsack sprayers. The limiting of insecticide solution reduces any contamination to water bodies and is economic in usage.



Posted in implements&machinery


onion farming

onion farming

ONION farming and uses

Some introduction to onion

Onion belongs to the family Amaryllidaceae with botanical name Allium cepa. Onion is thought to be originated in Pakistan. It is now grown almost world wide North America, Japan, Spain, Netherland, Canada, India, Pakistan being major growers. Total area of onion crops in the world under cultivation is considered to be about 20,00,000 hectare which gives about 3,00,00,000 metric tonnes of produce.

Suitable climate for onion growing.

It is grown under a wide range of climatic conditions. However, it cannot stand too hot or too cold weather. It prefers moderate temperature in summer as well as in winter. Short days are not favorable for the formation of bulbs.

Soil requirements

Onion can grow in all sorts of soils, but sandy loam and clay-loam soils are best for its cultivation. An ideal soil should have pH in between 6.5 to 8. The soil should be well aerated. Heavy soil should be avoided.

FYM (Farm Yard Manure) or compost should be incorporated during land preparation. Lay out should ensure that Soil has good internal drainage.

Salinity effect on onion yield

Salinity Effect on Onion Yield
Salinity as E.C. valuePercentage Decrease in yield
1 -1.2 ds/m0%
1.8 ds/m10%
2.8 ds/m25%
4 ds/m50%

Therefore there is need to keep a check on the salinity of the soil. For further reading I suggest a read of my blog.

Methods of growing Onions

Onion is normally grown in two steps:

  1. Preparing seedlings from onion seeds in nurseries
  2. By planting seedlings in the field


The onion seeds are prepared for growing by first treating it with Trichoderma viride or Thiram for fungal resistance. After drying the seeds are sown in raised nursery beds which have been given proper dosage of farm yard manure and NPK in proportion (discussed in this article further). The beds have also been fumigated (also drenched with Bavistin) and all and any grass has been removed beforehand. Approximately 9-10 kg of seeds is sufficient for one hectare planting. The seeds are normally sown in the months of September/October. The onion seedlings are ready by January.


Land is prepared by ploughing 3 or 4 times (or as required). The earth should not have any lumps or boulders. It should be well aerated. The onion roots penetrate earth at shallow depths may be around 6-7 cms.

Fertilizer application actually depends upon the soil of the farmer. It is recommended to have the soil and water analyzed before deciding on the actual quantity of fertilizers. As a normal practice the following fertilizers are indicated for onion farming.

Farmyard manure around 250 kg per hectare. Add following as top dressing.

  1. 100-125 kg N/hectare
  2. 50-80 kg P/hectare
  3. 50-100 kg K/hectare

As per standard practice, Nitrogen fertilizers are given in two split dosage – one right in the beginning and the other after about 30 days.

The farmer may after studying his soil report also provide micro nutrients if indicated. Normally this is not required.

Planting is done at distances of 10 x 10 cm on flat surface. Sufficient watering is required for onions so that plants do not have water distress. Over watering however is detrimental for the onion plants. Watering is stopped when plants mature and start falling.

Weed control in Onion Farming   

Weed control needs to be an important cultural operation. Weeding, thinning and earthing up are the important intercultural operations of Onion farming.

Shallow rooted inter-row cultivation and hand weeding may be used to minimize weeds in the inter row zone.

Control of Pests and Diseases in Onion Farming  

Some information on insects, pests and disease of Onion is discussed below. The control measures depend upon type and intensity of the problems and also whether organic or inorganic pesticides are to be used as decided by the Farmer. For more information on pests and diseases please go through my blog on same.

  • Downey Mildew: spraying Dithane M-45 at interval is recommended.
  • Green Jassids: spray of chloropyrofos/ dichlorvos/dimethoate/phorate/imidacloprid
  • Shoot and Fruit Borer: spray endosulfan/chloropyrofos. Spread phorate.
  • White Fly: spray malathion. Drench with thimet.
  • Thrips: spray imidaclorprid/chloropyrosdimethoate. Several sprays may be required.

Some supposed Health Benefits of Onion

This vegetable has a long history in traditional medicine. It has nutrients, vitamins, minerals and other organic compounds which gives onions a special medicinal value.

The nutritional value of 100g of edible Onion is said to be equivalent to 1 g protein, 0.1 g fat, 9 g carbohydrate, 0.15 g minerals and 1.2 g fibers. It contains vitamin B-6, vitamin C, iron and calcium. It’s low in calories and has a high dietary fiber content.

It is good in lowering of blood sugar levels !

Onion has been suggested to help manage blood sugar due to presence of sulfur compounds (S-methylcycsteine) and quercetin. These compounds have a beneficial effect in controlling the blood sugar level in the body.

Quercetin in red onions have significant role in destroying breast and colon cancer cells.

The same compound also prevents release of histamine in body. This helps in allergies.

Some other Benefits are thought to be in help in asthma and allergic rhinitis by using onion extracts.  The use of onion is also good for eyes, oral healthcare and hair healthcare.

Risks of eating ONION

Like with everything which has good properties, Onion may also have some side effects. It is true that only a few studies Onion have linked to negative side effects.

Over consumption of onions for diabetic patients can be harmful.

It goes without saying that Onion can contain bacteria, pesticides, and other dangerous substances if it is not thoroughly washed.

Harvesting of Onions

onion ready for harvest

onion ready for harvest

Onions are harvested after the foliage dies down and the outer layers of onion bulbs are dry and peeling off. The harvested onions are dried, graded and ready for market or for storage.

note: The author himself is a small farmer and involved with such farming. Certain data are taken from usually reliable sources on the net.







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OKRA Farming

Okra farming

OKRA farming and uses

Okra farming

Okra farming

Some introduction to Okra

Okra or okro, known in many English-speaking countries as Ladies’ Fingers or ochro, is a flowering plant in the mallow family. In India it is called bhendi. It is valued for its edible green seed pods. Wikipedia

Scientifically  named Abelmoschus esculentus, okra may have been grown as long ago as 2000 BCE in Egypt.

Okra belongs to the same family of plants as hibiscus, cocoa and cotton.

This plant welcomes temperate climates, producing large hibiscus-like flowers that eventually give rise to green seed pods. Okra is by nature a perennial plant; but mostly cultivated as annual plant. It grows quite tall as much as 2 meters.


Okra fruit or pod can be eaten raw since It has a mild flavor. It can also be steamed, cooked, or fried. Okra pods can  also be used in soups and stews where due to the gooey mucilage it adds to soups.

Conventionally okra pods are pre-cooked  at very high heat by sautéing, roasting, blanching or grilling. Then add cooked okra to your recipe. This is done so that the naturally occurring slime in okra pods is finished. One can also reduce slime of okra pods by first soaking in vinegar or lime juice for about half an hour before cooking.

Suitable climate for Okra growing.

Okra is grown throughout the tropical and sub-tropical regions and also in the warmer parts of the temperate regions. Ladies finger requires long warm growing season during its growing period.

Okra gives good yield in warm humid condition.  A temperature range of 22-35°C is very good for its growth.. It can be successfully grown in rainy season even in heavy rainfall area.

Soil requirements

Okra can grow in all sorts of soils, but sandy loam and clay-loam soils are best for its cultivation.

The optimum pH range is between 6 and 6.8. Soils with high organic matter are preferred, FYM (Farm Yard Manure) or compost should be incorporated during land preparation. Lay out should ensure that Soil has good internal drainage.

In order to maximize the yield about 30 t of FYM (Field Yard Manure), 180 kg Super phosphate, 100 kg Murate of Potash and 200 kg Ammonium sulphate should be applied in the rows before sowing for one hectare of land. Nitrogen should be applied through fertigation in three split doses. The recommendation of fertilizers may be reviewed keeping in view the particular place soil and water analysis for pH, E.C. and minerals composition.

Preparation for sowing

Before sowing the seeds are soaked in a solution of Bavistin (0.2%) for 6 hours. The seeds are then dried in shade and sown in the prepared beds. The beds could be ridge and furrows type or flat beds depending on land.

Weed control in Ladies Finger Farming   

As Okra is harvested over a long period, weed control needs to be an important cultural operation. Weeding, thinning and earthling up is the important intercultural operations of Okra farming.

Farmers may make use of available herbicides for controlling weeds in okra as these are very effective in weed control.

Shallow rooted inter-row cultivation and hand weeding may be used to minimize weeds in the inter row zone. Black plastic mulch may be used to suppress weed growth. The black plastic mulch also keeps the soil warm and encourages plant growth.

Pests and Diseases in Ladies Finger Farming  

Some information on insects, pests and disease of Okra is discussed below. The control measures depend upon type and intensity of the problems and also whether organic or inorganic pesticides are to be used as decided by the Farmer.

  • Powdery Mildew: A grayish powdery growth appears, both on the upper and lower surface of leaves causing severe reduction in yields.
  • Green Jassids:The nymphs and adults suck the cell sap from leaves resulting to yellowing of leaves.
  • Shoot and Fruit Borer: Initially larvae bore into tender shoots and make tunnel downwards. The affected shoots wither, droop and ultimately destroyed. Side shoots arise giving plant a bushy appearance. The borer also bores into buds, flowers and fruits.
  • White Fly:Nymphs and adults suck the cell sap from leaves. White fly also spreads yellow vein mosaic virus disease due to which young leaves turn yellow resulting in stunted growth and reduced flowering and fruiting.
  • Red Spider Mites:Nymphs and adults suck the cell sap from underside of the leaves resulting in yellow white spots. Leaves gradually curl, get wrinkled and crumple.
  • Root-Knot Nematodes:The knots damage the roots and affected roots turn into knots like structures. Plants become yellowish, remain stunted and wilt permanently.

Some supposed Benefits of Okra

This vegetable-like fruit also has a long history in traditional medicine. Kew Royal Botanic Gardens report that in Eastern traditional medicine, okra leaves and fruit were used as pain relievers, moisturizers, and to treat urinary disorders. In Congolese medicine, okra is used to encourage a safe delivery during childbirth.

The nutritional value of 100g of edible okra is characterized 1.9 g protein, 0.2 g fat, 6.4 g carbohydrate, 0.7 g minerals and 1.2 g fibers. It contains potassium, vitamin B, vitamin C, folic acid, and calcium. It’s low in calories and has a high dietary fiber content.

It is good in controlling diabetes !

Recently, a new benefit of including okra in your diet is being considered. Okra has been suggested to help manage blood sugar in cases of type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

A 2005 study published in Planta Medica investigated the effects of okra on rats with diabetes. A substance called myricetin is present in okra and some other foods, including red wine and tea. Researchers isolated myricetin from okra, then administered it to the rat. The treatment increased absorption of sugar in the rats’ muscles, lowering their blood sugar.

A 2012 Food Science and Human Wellness review points to a number of other laboratory and animal studies that have linked myricetin to lower blood sugar. The study argues that myricetin may also reduce other risk factors for diabetes..

Some other Benefits are thought to be like preventing and improving constipation, lowering cholesterol, reducing the risk of some forms of cancer, especially colorectal cancer,  improving energy levels and improving symptoms of depression, helping to treat sore throat, irritable bowel, ulcers and lung inflammation.

Risks of eating OKRA

Like with every thing which has good properties, Okra may also have some side effects. It is true that only a few studies have linked okra to negative side effects.

Okra may make the drug metformin, a diabetes drus, less effective.  Okra is high in substances known as oxalates. Oxalates may increase the risk of kidney stones in people vulnerable to kidney stones.

It goes without saying that Okra can contain bacteria, pesticides, and other dangerous substances if it is not thoroughly washed.

Harvesting of Ladies Finger or Okra or Bhendi   

Flowering in okra plants begins from 35 to 40 days after sowing. It is advisable to harvest the crop in 55 to 65 days after planting when pods are 2 to 3 inches long. At this stage the pods are still tender. Larger okra pods will tend to be tough and fibrous.

Round-podded okra varieties remain tender at larger pod sizes and are good to use for slicing and freezing.

Since, Okra grows very fast, it should be harvested every two days. The pods should not be allowed to mature on the plant because this will inhibit more pods from developing and reduce the productivity of the plant.

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Crops and Vegetables Sowing Planting Calendar



Sowing and Planting Decision

Sowing and Planting decision is the most essential activity by a farmer. This activity comprises of following, amongst others:

  • assessment of the market requirements,
  • assessment of the expected favorable weather conditions,
  • suitability of a particular variety of the crop or the vegetable being planned for growing.

Recommending or deciding on a particular date for sowing and planting is difficult (see below a discussion on sowing and planting). The reasons are weather may not be suitable on that particular day; the seeds may not be available or the field itself may not be ready.

Indicative Period for Sowing and Planting

Given below is an indicative period when sowing and planting activities would be beneficial; there could be differences due to difference in weather from place to place. This is mostly for farmers who do outdoor farming.

For crops like onion, rice, tomato farmers would first prepare a seedbed and then grow seedlings. These seedlings would be planted in prepared field at proper stage of development. I propose to discuss this aspect in another of my blog.

Time slots for planting/sowing for crops like rice, wheat, maize etc is put in one table.

Time slots for planting/sowing of vegetables is put in the second table.

The time slots are only indicative in nature. Depending on the geographical locale, there would be differences.  Farmers also need to keep an eye on the likely market requirement and the weather forecasts. Arranging for proper seeds and seedlings from good known sources well in time is another effort to be made.

Below are the two tables.

Indicative Sowing/Plantation Times for some CROPS

CropSowing timeTransplantation


How much seed kg/ha
Wheat2 – 3 week Nov;120-130
Wheat1st week Dec130 – 140
Rice PaddyJune to JulyJuly to Aug30- 40
MaizeNormal Mid June to mid July; in early rain areas sowing could be earlier.20 – 25
Sesame (Til)October5
Ground nutJune to July70 – 75
SoybeanJune to July (Mid)70 75


Indicative Sowing/Plantation Times for Some Vegetables

Vegetable NameTime of Planting
Brinjal, Tomato, Okra, Bean, Carrot, GourdsJanuary
Gourds, Bean, Okra, SpinachFebruary
Coriandar, Spinach, Okra, Bean, GourdsMarch
Capsicum, Onion, Tomato, ChillyApril
Onion, Pepper, OkraMay
Gourds, Brinjal, Cucumber, Okra, Onion, TomatoJune
same as aboveJuly
Carrot, Cauliflower, RadishAugust
Cauliflower, Cabbage, Peas, Radish, LettuceSeptember
Capsicum, Cucumber, Peas, Spinach, Lettuce, Brinjal, RadishOctober
Eggplant, Tomato, Radish, Pepper, Beans, Lettuce, OkraNovember
Tomato, Pumpkin, Watermelon, GourdsDecember

Note on difference between Sowing and Planting.

Sowing activity means that one would put seeds, after due pre-processing, into the earth soil. The seeds would germinate where ever they are sown.

Planting activity means that one puts small plants into the soil. The soil is already prepared for the plants. The plants themselves could be raised by farmer himself in carefully prepared seed beds. The farmer could alternatively purchase the plants from nurseries.

Interested Farmers may also consult NHB and F&AO


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Polyhouse Saline Soil – prevention and cure

Polyhouse Saline Soil – prevention and cure

Many polyhouse/greenhouse growers see Saline soil problem. White grayish powder deposit on the sides of the beds and even on top of the soil is usual first visual manifestation of this. Indication of Saline Soil are also seen as falling production, stunting and die back of plants.

Definition of Saline Soil

There are many ways to define what is Saline Soil. One can define soil as saline when whitish crust is seen on top of the beds. One can also define it as when plants are not growing as expected and yield is down. A quantitative way to describe a soil as Saline Soil is when its E.C. is 4 ds/m or more. Some tests make it as 2 ds/m. The E.C. is measured by saturation soil extract method.

What make soils as Saline Soil

Soils become saline due principally to the irrigation water used and the fertigation methods. Different sources of irrigation water have different salinity as measured by T.D.S. or E.C. Most farmers using well water would have higher T.D.S. or E.C. and over time this would contribute to soils becoming saline.

The reason for Saline Soil is the accumulation of increased levels of nutrients and naturally occurring salts in irrigation water. All of these are not accumulated by the crop. The amount left over gets deposited in the soil beds. Growers rotate the same crop over a long period of time. Over years fertigation leaves sulfates and chlorides of sodium, calcium and magnesium. Over fertilization is the direct cause for saline soil.

Mechanism of Saline Soil

Fertigation followed with watering tends to make deposition of salts in layers. Salt accumulation makes it difficult for the plants to absorb moisture in beds. Generally near the top of the soil due to leeching of water, there would be less Saline soil. As the depth increases the Soil becomes more Saline. This is due to the fact that water in enough quantity does not leech through to deeper depths. Saline soil becomes compacted towards depth and this also prevents water leeching.  Deeper salts travel to  top and sides of beds due to capillary action, and are seen as white crust.

unabsorbed salts travel upwards due t capillary action

unabsorbed salts travel upwards due t capillary action

Measure Saline Soil E.C.

The preferred method is to have saturation soil extract. Mix soil sample in just sufficient water to get saturated paste. This method mimics the condition of soil at actual root zone of the crop. This takes some experience and time. Therefore some persons would take 1:1 or 1:2 ratio samples and try to extrapolate. However recommend saturation paste method.

Prevention of Saline Soil

The only way farmers can prevent is following two rules:

  1. Run enough irrigation water after every fertigation so as to cleans fully the drip lines as also to give enough water to leech salts to root zone and below.
  2. Give fertigation at levels just sufficient for vigorous growth of plants and fruits/flowers. Stay away from giving excess quantities to get more than optimum production.

Cure for Saline Soil

There are two ways to go for curing saline soil.

  1.  Allow land to lie fallow and open to rain water. Or give excess irrigation water plus R.O. water.
  2. Adopt inter crop. Certain crops can assimilate water even when saline soils. Wheat, Barley, Mustard, Cotton, Spinach, Potatoes, Onion, cucumber, Tomatoes are some such crops.

More readings:

1. F&AO article on the subject

2. Wikipedia article

 Would you, reader, like to share your experience with all of us? It would be knowledge gained.

Posted in farm guide, Fertilizers&Fertigation Tagged with: , ,

Irrigation Water Alkalinity Control in Polyhouse

Irrigation Water Alkalinity Control in Poly house


Alkalinity of water and substrate determines to a large extent whether the fertilizers Farmers so lovingly and at good cost use is actually absorbed by the plant crops.  This is because fertilizers and pesticides are absorbed well by the plants when the pH of water and substrate is within a defined range.  Most of crops require a pH within range of 5.5 to 6.8. Some crops require higher pH.  Pesticides also require some what acidic water solution. Alkalinity affects the pH of both water and substrate. I have discussed this interconnection between fertilizers and pH  in my page “Let us Talk about Fertilizers”.

What is pH

Before we can discuss Alkalinity, we must understand what is pH. This is discussed by me in my page “Control of E.C. and pH  in your Soil and Water“.

According to dictionary, pH is a figure expressing the acidity or alkalinity of a solution on a logarithmic scale of 1.0 to 14.0 on which 7 is neutral, lower values are more acid and higher values more alkaline. The pH is equal to −log10 c, where c is the hydrogen ion concentration in moles per liter. Solutions with a pH less than 7 are acidic and solutions with a pH greater than 7 are alkaline. Pure water  is neutral, at pH 7 (25°C), being neither an acid nor a alkaline.

pH is a dimension less quantity. Low pH  allows toxic elements and compounds such as heavy metals to become mobile and “available” for uptake by aquatic plants and animals. pH of water depends upon its source, and also to seasons. In rainy season, pH tends to drop. Since the pH scale is logarithmic, a drop in the pH by 1.0 unit is a 10-fold increase in acidity. So, a water sample with a pH of 5.0 is ten times as acidic as one with a pH of 6.0. It may be noted that Alkaline and Alkalinity are two different meaning words. It is unfortunate that word Alkalinity has been coined but we are stuck with it.

What is Alkalinity

Alkalinity is a measure of water’s ability to neutralize acids. For substrate or the growing media Alkalinity is the main factor which will resist a change in pH. Alkalinity is due to presence of bicarbonates or carbonates or hydroxides of calcium and/or magnesium. The same comes from rocks and soils, salts, certain plant activities, and certain industrial wastewater discharges.

High alkalinity water often has a higher pH. If you are trying to reduce the pH of water by adding acid, more acid will be required if you are starting with high alkalinity water because the acid will react with the calcium or magnesium carbonate or other ions buffering the solution first before the pH decreases. The recommended upper limit for alkalinity for both greenhouse and nursery production is 100 mg/L (100 ppm).

Buffering capacity

Buffering capacity of water indicates how much acids are to be used to bring pH down to desired value. Buffering capacity depends on Alkalinity. Alkaline compounds in the water such as bicarbonates, carbonates, and hydroxides combine with H+ ions to make new compounds. This makes water more basic. Alkalinity affects media pH. Too low or too high pH affects intake of micro nutrients and main fertilizers.  Higher the Alkalinity higher is Buffering capacity.

Effects of High Alkalinity

  • Precipitates  nutrients in concentrated fertilizer solutions
  • Increases pH of the growing medium
  • reduces the availability of micro nutrients
  • reduce efficacy of pesticides and growth regulators
  • can also cause foliar residue if severe

Measurement of Alkalinity

Total alkalinity is measured by collecting a water sample, and measuring the amount of acid needed to bring the sample to a pH of 4.2. At this pH all the alkaline compounds in the sample are “used up.” The result is reported as milligrams per liter (mg/l) of calcium carbonate.

A commercial pH meter

a comercial pH meter

We would advise Farmers avail the services of any nearby laboratory for this purpose. However, a Do-It-Yourself method is explained below:

  1. Collect a pH meter (which has been calibrated), graduated glass beaker, stirrer, 0.16N Sulfuric Acid.
  2. Collect 100 ml of water sample in the glass beaker
  3. Put the pH meter in the beaker and take reading of sample pH
  4. We assume that pH is above 6.8 value
  5. Add few drops of acid and stir well
  6. Take pH value
  7. Continue till pH value drops to 4.2
  8. Add the total ml of acid used

Farmer can perform this result on the total irrigation water required.

Methods to adding Acids to irrigation water

Several techniques have been developed for applying fertilizers through the irrigation systems and many types of injectors are available on the market.
There are two main techniques: the ordinary closed tank; and the injector pump. Both systems are operated by the system’s water pressure.
The injector pumps are mainly either Venturi type or piston pumps.
The closed tanks are always installed on a bypass line, while the piston pumps can be installed either in-line or on a bypass line. I have personally used a venturi for acidification for its simplicity and cost economy. The injection point should be ahead of the fertilizer injection point.

For further reading please see my page, “Fertigation“..

Also suggest read F&AO publication on Fertigation.




Posted in Fertilizers&Fertigation, SoilWaterTests

Modern Technology Boosts Agriculture Farming




Farmers in advanced and developed countries have now the benefit of having Modern Technology tools which greatly increase their ease of doing agricultural activities. The use of Modern Technology also boosts their  crop production  However, it is also a fact that majority of Farmers in developing countries still use old folk lore agricultural practices in their farms. The farmers will plant crops in fixed seasons.  From cultivation, Fertigation, harvesting and marketing at every step method is all fixed. Farmers continue to sell in the pre-ordered markets with a lot of middle men. Farmer continue to sell produce to the same person(s) and continues to receive under valued price for his produce as always.


Today Modern Technology in the field of communication, both audio and visual, has brought virtually the whole world together. A farmer in India has the means to have same knowledge as say a Nigerian or U.S. farmer operates. Communication through smart phones coupled with numerous agricultural apps supported by government and private agencies bring the knowledge of best modern agriculture technologies to the finger tips of Farmers.


Farmers can easily get through help of Modern Technology all required knowledge to help him in his agricultural practices. Farmers get on their smart phone, T.V. channels, News channels, Publications of various government agencies such information  like weather prediction, weather warnings, drone base soil mapping for cultivation and water content, advisories on what to sow in the field at what time in which place, advisories on how to fertilize the crops from planting to production stage, etc.

What is required is extension of these developed systems to the field. This work requires combined efforts by the respective governments and private sector agencies.


Before we come to discussion of Newer Modern Technologies in the agricultural practices, as a first step Farmers need to pay attention to UTILIZATION OF RESOURCES  at their command effectively.


ZERO TILLAGE in wheat is reported have reduce the production costs by 2000 to 2500 Rupees per hectare and 15-20 per cent saving in irrigation water.


Similarly by using DRIP AND SPRINKLER irrigation methods more area can be brought under irrigation.


Use of Farm Yard Manure (FYM), Compost, and Bio fertilizers help reduce over dependence on the chemicals led intensive cultivation.


F&AO report 2016 says:  Restoration of forests and degraded soils, climate-smart agricultural practices, agro ecology and better management of water resources can all contribute to the productivity improvements needed to respond to the growing demand for food, improve the resilience of farming systems and reduce the emission intensity of crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry, while increasing carbon sequestration in soils and forests.


The annual crop yield in China using modern agricultural technologies is 415 million tonnes per year. On the other hand despite having more agriculture land (than China) , India produces 218 million tonnes per year (Piesse & Thirtle 2010).

Modern Technologies

There is urgent need to embrace Modern Technology as below to accelerate agriculture production.

  1. biotechnology
  2. nanotechnology
  3. high-tech protected cultivation
  4. modern irrigation methods
  5. Farm Mechanization




The first thought which comes when we talk of bio-technology is hybrid seeds. Such seeds have greater pest resistance and requie lesser water. They also  result in higher productivity. The role of bio-technology is very important in improving greatly food supplies.




Use of nano size silver particles is now prevalent as a faster and more enduring pest and anti-microbial agent. Presenly this technology is a some what costlier than traditional pesticides but the cost would come down with scale of use.


Protected cultivation


Protected cultivation method is a boon to the crops as the same provides protection from harsh climate differences, water conservation, irrigation as requires, fertilization as required, protection from pests, etc.


Modern Irrigation methods


Drip system allow water to be deposited directly to the root zone of the plants. Water given through drips does not overflow. Irrigation water and fertilisers can be applied at the right time and in right amounts. A closed loop is possible where continuous monitoring of soil is done and the system itself triggers irrigation and/or Fertigation.


Farm Mechanization


There has been considerable mechanization in farming activities in India and all over the globe. However, the use of Modern Technology Robotized machines is still not very much prevalent, at least in India. Use of drones for mapping of land, water sources etc.

Farmers now need to get all basics right. He needs to concentrate on three aspects, namely:

  1. Take as much help from Modern Technologies in the field of communication, bio-technology, nano-technology, high-tech protected cultivation, modern irrigation methods and mechanization.
  2. Conserve Eco-system by using bio-fertilizers, build resilience through practices like green manuring, nitrogen-fixing cover crops and sustainable soil management and integration with agroforestry and animal production.
  3. Utilize his resources in optimum ways
  4. Market his produce by studying the country and world trends; if required create storage to avoid distress selling.


The need of the hour is to have interlinking with crop sowing with the weather forecast system. The effect of climate change needs to be tackled. Farmer also contribute towards mankind’s efforts on controlling and slowing down Climate Change due to Global Warming by change in agricultural practices. For more on Climate change please see my blog, “Agricultural Practices Mitigate Climate Change …”



Posted in farm guide, TechTalks